What is the criteria to get a ride?
– Riders need to be 60 years or older or have a disability and people who have Medicaid for insurance.
When should I call my trip in?
– We require 3-5 business days which do no include weekends and holidays.
Where can you take me?
– Any medical facility in the state of New Hampshire.
Do you travel to Boston?
– Unfortunately, due to funding limitations, we are unable to transport people to Boston unless you have medicaid insurance and request Transport Central as your prefered transportation provider.
Are the rides wheelchair Accessible?
– Sorry no. Transport Central volunteers use personal vehicles which are not wheelchair accessible. The drivers can accommodate a wheelchair passengers if that person can self transfer from the chair to the vehicle. If you are in need of a wheelchair van for transportation please call 211 to talk ti Service Link.
Who pays for the ride?
– There are a number of entities that can pay for the ride from our main grant source NH DOT to Medicaid. Additional funds to help for rides come from Speare Memorial Hospital, Grafton County, local towns and individual donations.
Can I request a ride for other reasons other than a medical appointment?
– These rides are for non-emergency medical appointments only. We are unable to transport for any other reason at this time. “If you have an emergency please call 911”
Do you accept payment?
– Unfortunately, we can not accept payments because we are a non-profit organization. But, we do accept donations and they are very much appreciated and will greatly help our mission to perform no-cost transportation.
How are you dealing with COVID?
– All of our volunteers are following strict cleaning guidelines for their vehicles. As of May 11, 2023, masks have become optional. However, please note that our volunteer drivers hold the final decision regarding the use of masks. Their professional judgment may prompt them to kindly request passengers to wear masks when necessary. We kindly request your understanding and cooperation in adhering to their guidance.